
Pelvic steaming, also known as yoni or lingam steaming, V-steam, A-steam, vaginal or root, sacral steaming is a powerful traditional ancient practice from all over the world which consists in sitting or squatting over a warm pot of water with previously infused herbs. It works similar to a facial, but for your beautiful reproductive organs.

The steam creates the right environment for your body, which is warm and moist (not humid, not hot and not dry), so that it is able to work properly. The three principles having an impact here are: circulation, lubrication and relaxation.

On the physical realm the steam will eventually gently penetrate the pelvic area especially via the skin and tissues, reaching all the interior organs of your magical pelvic floor, especially the uterus. Your uterus cleanses with every menstruation, but sometimes like with any organ it may need help doing that. Like when doing an inhalation to support the respiratory system during a cold, steaming supports the uterus. Especially periods that start or end with brown blood show that the uterus didn’t get a full cleanse, that there is old blood not flowing out on time. When reaching a certain age the menstruation naturally stops and your uterus could benefit from steaming. It helps to keep that area moisturised and cleansed.

On the emotional realm steaming helps with connecting to your power center, your inner knowing. It deepens the relationship to your body. It eases stress and establishes a kind of ritual for self-care and introspection. The instant following benefit you’ll get is a deep sleep.

Steaming is mainly used by women but it definitely supports men’s health too. In this case men steam the perineum and anus, leaving out the testicles and penis area which are sensitive to heat. Especially indicated for prostate problems, erectile disfunction, fertility problems, haemorrhoids but also insomnia, pelvic trauma or stress. If you experience infections, than penis soaks or herbal baths are suitable for that.

Try it out by yourself: get a pot, pour in some hot water, maybe your favorite herb, let it steep and squat over it for 10 minutes. Enjoy and thank me later! Do use your common sense and take care not to burn your thighs or bottom, nore steam too hot. With steam less is more!


I hope this video (German only but pretty visual and self explanatory) will inspire you. If you experience symptoms like painful menstrual cramps, heavy flow, cycles that are too short or too long, infections, vaginal dryness, painful sex, endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, cysts, you are welcome to book a 2 month or a 4 month ayurvedic customized steamplan. I invite you to explore Keli’s pelvic steam testimonials database for further details or watch the trailer for the upcoming steam documentary here.


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