What steaming
did for me

My steaming story started long time ago without me even knowing it was steaming what I was doing. I actually learned about it from my grandmother Regina when I was 16 and had a UTI - right after leaving my native country Romania for Germany. She advised me to steam with herbs and that was it with the UTI! I will be forever grateful to her for showing me the power of embodied knowledge, herbs and tradition.

Later on I experienced recurring yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis (BV). I tried everything, my gynaecologist kept giving me all this creme stuff which sometimes helped but not on the long run. I tried steaming by myself but had no idea which herbs to use and I steamed in a wrong way, which only increased my infection - so I thought steaming was actually BAD for infections.

And then 2020 came and thanks to Dr. Zhaleh Boyd Phillips I found out about Keli Garza from steamychick and that steaming when done correctly with the right herbs and the right steamplan actually helps with every gynaecological problem, and oh boy we got a lot of that, don't we?! So for me steaming not only helped to balance out all of the recurring infections, BUT as a side-effect so to speak, I don’t experience painful menstrual cramps any more, my flow is medium, my menses lasts only 4 days and always with fresh red blood, adieu brown! On the emotional realm it gave me a deep feeling of satisfaction which I beforehand was used to fill out with food or numbing out. I used to have long cycles, over 30 to up to 40 days. Guess what? The right steamplan and herbs also helped regulate my cycle. I also had to look into when I exercise and how, as well as making nutrition adjustments. Now don’t get me wrong, sometimes when I don’t take care of myself and get into the stress-trap again, I will experience some irregularity in my cycle, especially during fall or winter. That’s a clear message to me now from my body and I am willing to listen to it with a lot of compassion for myself. You should too, give it a try!

It is a dream come true for me, but achieved only with the right guidelines. This led me to become a certified Peristeam Facilitator and a Peristeam Hydrotherapist in training. I don’t want anyone to suffer in vain for years, when there is actually a simple and accessible solution out there. I want to inspire people to have a self-care practice, a ritual which they can enjoy by themselves for themselves in their own home. As of 2022 I also offer Yoni Dhoopana - Vaginal Fumigation guidance, which I learned from BAMS Ayurveda Medicine Doctor Aparna Padmanabhan.

Since 2020 I am also an Ayurvedic Wellness Coach certified by Katie Silcox Shakti School. In this very unconventional one year long feminine form Ayurveda School I got the opportunity to learn with an amazing cohort of doctors and teachers, just to name a few: Dr. Kirsten Mackey (family medicine physician and traditional osteopath), Dr. Siva Mohan (MD, neuroscience, Psychological Ayurveda), Indu Arora (Ayurveda and Yoga Therapist), Chrisandra Fox Walker (Pregnancy and Postpartum Care), Mary Thompson (Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist).

I also studied with 3th generation Ayurveda Practitioner Nidhi Pandya and 4th generation BAMS Ayurveda Medicine Doctor Rekha Radhamony directly from the Samhitas (Ashtanga Hridayam and Caraka Samhita). I completed further ayurvedic training focused on women’s health with Julia Wunderlich from Rollingtiger in Berlin. Besides I love moving my body and dancing, this led me to become a Bellydance Teacher (in training) with pelvic floor integration by Coco Berlin - Essence of Bellydance.

So I can also provide you with the proper lifestyle, nutrition and moving guidelines - all of which will support you throughout your entire cycle, wether you’re bleeding, pregnant or in menopause. I want my guidance to contribute to you finding your own way of healing because your body always tells you the truth, and often times it has to slap you in the face with it, to get your attention.

Painful menstrual cramps, PMS, menopause issues and so on may be common nowadays but they are definitely NOT normal and NOT healthy. It’s on you to change that. You alone are responsible for your health, no one else, no family member, no doctor. You have to do the work, I can only offer you the right tools. Remember you are not a victim! You always have a choice. Step out of the victimhood into your own power, don’t just give it away. It might feel like the easiest solution and it makes so much sense to react that way, but the truth is only you can know what you need, not me, not any doctor. We can only guide you towards your own individual solution. Take responsibility!

Try it out by yourself, grab a pot, pour in some hot water and your favorite herb, let it steep, squat over it for 10 minutes and enjoy. The video below (German only but quite visual) might inspire you. Let me know how it felt, or even better take a before and after picture of your face. Trust me, you will literally see the difference. Do thank me later!


If you experience complex symptoms like painful menstrual cramps, heavy or light flow, cycles that are too short or too long, infections, vaginal dryness, painful sex, endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, cysts or sexual trauma you are welcome to book a 2 month or a 4 month in-depth customized steamplan with me.

If you want to implement steaming into your labor prep plan to ease labor and during your postpartum recovery, I am more than honored to support you with it.


Let's do this together.
I am ready when you are!